Questions, Answers


Why choose handmade soap?

Today there are very few true soaps on the market. Most body cleansers, both liquid and solid, are actually synthetic detergent products. Detergent cleansers are popular because they make suds easily in water and don't form gummy deposits. Some of these detergent products are actually marketed as "soap" but are not true soap according to the regulatory definition of the word.   The ingredients.  Our handcrafted soaps are made with nourishing oils that cleanse with out drying your skin. Commercially produced soaps are made with tallow (animal fat) and other low cost oils that don’t offer any skin care benefits.  Handmade soaps retain all the natural glycerin in the soap unlike commercial bars. Glycerin, a humectant, attracts moisture to the skin.  Commercial soaps are often drying because the natural glycerin has been removed during the manufacturing process. Read more here about choosing handmade soap vs commercial soap

How do you make soap? In the simplest terms, soap is a type of salt.  Soap is the end result of a chemical reaction mixing oils, lye and water.  We use a cold process soap making method.  The combination for the heat from the melted oils and the heat from the lye water provides all that is needed to saponify. Read more her about our soap-making process

Is there lye in your soap?

The answer is yes, absolutely. No lye means no soap!

All authentic soap, including ours, is made with lye (sodium hydroxide mixed with liquid). Lye is an essential ingredient in the soap-making process, initiating the chemical reaction that transforms oils into soap. However, it's crucial to understand that no lye remains in the final bar of soap.

The soap-making process, known as saponification, ensures that lye reacts completely with oils, creating soap and glycerin. By the time the soap cures, there is no lye left in the finished product. What remains is a pure, clean, and long-lasting bar of soap.

It's important to note that any cleansing product made without sodium hydroxide is not soap; it is a detergent. We take pride in crafting true soap with the traditional and time-tested method, ensuring a high-quality and skin-friendly cleansing experience for our customers.

Why are these soap bars more expensive than commercial soaps?

Handmade soap bars often use high-quality, natural ingredients that are more expensive than the synthetic ingredients found in commercial soaps. Additionally, the labor-intensive process of handcrafting contributes to the cost. 

What makes these soap bars worth the higher price?

Premium ingredients, meticulous craftsmanship, and attention to detail set handmade soap bars apart. They often contain nourishing oils, essential oils instead of fragrance oils, and are crafted with care for a more luxurious experience.

Are there any special benefits to using pricey soap bars?

Pricey soap bars often contain premium oils, botanicals, and essential oils that can provide additional benefits for the skin. These may include moisturizing, soothing, or aromatic properties.

Can I try the soap before buying a full-size bar?

Email or contact us with the soap name and we'll provide more information. Please note: soap bar samples are 0.5 oz size.

How long will my soap last?

The longevity of your handmade soap is in your hands, quite literally! A bar of handmade soap can last anywhere from several weeks to several months, depending on how it's used.

Here are some factors that influence the lifespan of your soap:

  1. Usage:

    • How often you bathe or shower and how much soap you use per wash impact the overall lifespan.
  2. Drying Between Uses:

    • For a longer-lasting bar, it's best to keep the soap out of direct shower streams and on a soap dish that allows it to dry between uses. At The Organic For You, we recommend allowing your soap to dry between uses and investing in a soap dish that promotes proper drainage. With the right care, you'll enjoy a luxurious and enduring bathing experience.
How long do you cure your soap for?

At The Organic For You, we believe in the art of patience. Each batch of our soap undergoes a minimum curing period of 5 weeks. This deliberate process ensures that our soap achieves optimal hardness, longevity, and mildness. We take the time to craft a bar that not only cleans but also delivers a luxurious and gentle experience for our valued customers.

Why we use essential oils versus fragrance oils?

At The Organic For You, we choose the natural path. Essential oils are pure botanical extracts derived from various plants, flowers, herbs, spices, and fruits. These oils not only provide captivating scents but also offer additional benefits for your skin and well-being.

In contrast, fragrance oils are chemically manufactured and can potentially contain synthetic compounds that may be harsh on the skin. By embracing essential oils, we prioritize the natural essence of plants, ensuring that your skincare experience is not only delightful but also in harmony with nature.

We believe in the purity and authenticity that essential oils bring to our products, contributing to a truly organic and wholesome experience for our valued customers.

Fragrance - A recent study highlighted issues around fragrance from personal care products as being a source of indoor air pollution.

In the world of natural products, the scent of essential oils can and will evolve over time and from batch to batch. Here's why:

  1. Natural Variation:

    • Essential oils are derived from plants, and natural variations in factors like soil, climate, and harvesting can influence the aroma of the oil. This leads to unique scents in different batches.
  2. Sensitivity to Temperature:

    • Unlike synthetic fragrances, many essential oils are sensitive to changes in temperature. High temperatures, such as those encountered during soap making, can impact the composition of essential oils, altering their scent.
  3. Saponification Effect:

    • In the soap-making process (saponification), some essential oils contain components that undergo changes, leading to alterations in their natural aroma. This transformation is part of the chemical process.

At The Organic For You, we celebrate the authenticity of nature and the variations it brings. Our commitment to using essential oils means that you may experience nuanced scents in different batches, reflecting the true essence of our natural ingredients.

Are your products 100% organic?

Our Commitment to Quality:

While our products are not certified organic, we take pride in creating artisanal, mostly natural products crafted with care. At The Organic For You, we prioritize using premium natural raw ingredients in the preparation of our soaps and cosmetics.

Here's what sets our products apart:

  1. Natural Raw Ingredients:

    • We use the finest oils, vegetable butters, clays, and activated charcoal, ensuring a high-quality and nourishing experience for your skin.
  2. Exclusion of Artificial Colors:

    • Our commitment to authenticity extends to the exclusion of artificial colors like micas. We believe in the natural beauty of our ingredients.
  3. No Synthetic Detergents:

    • While we can't label our soaps as 100% organic due to the soap-making process, we refrain from using synthetic detergents. Our surfactants, when used, are almost always synthetic, maintaining the integrity of our natural products.

At The Organic For You, we stand by the quality and craftsmanship of our products, providing you with a unique and mindful skincare experience."


At The Organic For You, we value transparency and want to share why our products are not USDA Organic certified. The USDA certification process involves documentation regarding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the farm lands from which ingredients are harvested. Here's why we don't meet this requirement:

  1. Wild Harvesting:

    • Most of the herbs we use are grown and harvested in the wild, making it challenging to provide the documentation required by the USDA.
  2. Herbal Sourcing:

    • The unique way we source our herbs, often from wild environments, reflects our commitment to quality and authenticity. However, this approach doesn't align with the specific documentation required for USDA Organic certification.

While our products may not carry the USDA Organic label, we want to assure you that our dedication to using high-quality, natural ingredients remains unwavering. Our commitment to sustainability, transparency, and delivering a premium skincare experience is at the heart of The Organic For You.


Our commitment to quality and your well-being guides our pricing and product choices at The Organic For You. Here's why our products may have a higher cost:

  1. Premium Ingredients:

    • We use premium ingredients, carefully selected for their quality and therapeutic benefits. This ensures that each product delivers the utmost in skincare and aromatic experience.
  2. Therapeutic Essential Oils:

    • Our products are enriched with therapeutic essential oils, extracted from herbs to provide not just a scent but also additional benefits for your skin and senses. For instance, obtaining the right aroma for each soap batch may require 3 oz. of essential oil.
  3. Time and Craftsmanship:

    • The time and attention invested in crafting each product with care contribute to its uniqueness. Our artisanal approach and dedication to quality set us apart.

Regarding certification:

  • We prioritize the safety of our products through meticulous ingredient selection and ethical practices.
  • While we aren't USDA Organic certified, it's important to note that the absence of an organic label doesn't compromise the safety or quality of our products.
  • As you rightly noted, the organic seal on a label is often more about marketing than true health and safety. We believe in transparency, premium quality, and providing you with a skincare experience that is not only safe but also truly exceptional.

🛈 USDA spokeswoman, Joan Shaffer, stated that people “…Should not interpret even the USDA Organic seal or any organic seal of approval on food or cosmetics as proof of good nutrition values, health benefits or of efficacy. The National Organic Program is a marketing program, not a safety program. [Suncreen] may be [natural and/or organic] but that has no bearing on whether it is safe or prevent skin cancer”. Use the common sense! 


FDA notes; organic isn't safer for you

HOT FLASH: The labels doesn't say "chemical free", I'll not buy

Addressing Concerns about 'Chemical-Free' Labels

  1. Chemical Reality:

    • It's true that water is a chemical compound, and in fact, everything around us, including ourselves, is made up of chemicals. The term 'chemical-free' is a bit misleading because, in reality, it's impossible to live a truly chemical-free lifestyle.
  2. Small Business Challenges:

    • As a small business, obtaining certifications or making claims of being entirely chemical-free, gluten-free, or GMO-free can be challenging. The cost and complexity of testing and certification can be prohibitive for smaller enterprises.
  3. Ingredient Transparency:

    • We prioritize transparency and list all our ingredients in descending order by weight, including added water. This allows you to make informed decisions about the products you choose.
  4. Balancing Perspectives:

    • We acknowledge concerns about harmful chemicals in skincare products and strive to create formulations that prioritize your well-being. However, it's also essential to approach the discussion with a balanced perspective, recognizing that natural ingredients, too, can have complexities.

At The Organic For You, we are committed to providing you with quality products, and we appreciate your understanding of the challenges faced by small businesses in navigating the landscape of certifications and labeling.

All matter in this earth is made of chemicals (excluding subatomic particles). We humans are chemicals. The air we breathe is chemicals. The food we consume is chemicals that are digested by chemicals that turn them into more chemicals. Oxygen is a chemical, but we all need it to breathe, right? Therefore, a “chemical-free lifestyle” is impossible.
I Carmen Nunez, founder here at The Organic For You agree that there are harmful chemicals in this world. I know that there are chemiclas in skincare products that can hurt someone's skin. Chemical burns, allergic reactions, etc. But also, the media and certain organizations love to hype the dangers of natural ingredients such as essential oils, herbs and whatever is plant derived. Keep in mind that products used on our skin topically are not the same as ingesting them. USDA seal should be more for food labeling rather than for cosmetics. "But It has become very big business, and everyone wants a piece of it.”

At The Organic For You, we list all ingredients in descending order by weight, including added water. The first ingredient listed is present in the largest amount by weight. The last ingredient listed is present in the least amount by weight. So you can make informed decisions about the product.

A 2018 survey by students in the Fashion Institute of Technology’s graduate school of cosmetics and fragrance marketing and management found that “90% of consumers believed that natural or naturally-derived beauty ingredients were better for them.” Of course, a lot of natural things can be bad for you. Poison ivy. Cyanide in apple seeds


In 2012, the FDA discovered that 400 types of lipsticks contained tiny amounts of lead; the effects on humans are unknown.

About Anti-Ageing Products

Where is your ant-aging line? 

At The Organic For You, we don’t believe in ingredients that are particularly harsh, or that are going to completely change the pH of your skin.” Our approach towards beauty is holistic, and we consider a healthy lifestyle an essential part of any skincare routine. Read more here

Do we take custom orders?

Of course!  We do party or wedding favors. We are creative and very open to any requests. 

Drop us a line.


The issues associated with palm oil production are indeed significant and have raised widespread environmental concerns. Some key problems with palm oil include:

  1. Deforestation:

    • Palm oil production has been a major driver of deforestation, particularly in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Large areas of tropical rainforests are often cleared to make way for palm oil plantations, leading to the destruction of biodiversity and loss of habitat for various species.
  2. Habitat Destruction:

    • The conversion of forests into palm oil plantations results in the displacement and often endangerment of indigenous flora and fauna. This has led to habitat destruction for species like orangutans, tigers, and rhinoceroses.
  3. Climate Change Impact:

    • The deforestation associated with palm oil production contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere. Additionally, the draining of peatlands for plantations releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases.
  4. Wastewater and Methane Emissions:

    • The processing of palm oil generates substantial amounts of wastewater. Ponds of this wastewater at palm oil refineries release methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
  5. Social Issues:

    • Palm oil production has also been associated with social issues, including human rights abuses and exploitation of workers, particularly in cases where plantations operate without proper regulations.

Efforts have been made by some companies and organizations to promote sustainable palm oil practices, such as those certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). However, challenges persist, and the environmental and social impacts of palm oil production continue to be a significant concern. Consumers are increasingly advocating for sustainable and ethical sourcing of palm oil in products.

Why not sustainable?

When it comes to sustainable palm oil, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation. Many people believe that if palm oil is certified as sustainable, it means that it is produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. However, the reality is quite different. Some palm oil is indeed certified as sustainable, but this certification is largely meaningless. 

  1. Misconceptions about Certification:

    • There's a widespread misconception that certified sustainable palm oil inherently implies environmentally friendly and socially responsible production. However, the reality is more nuanced, with concerns about the effectiveness of such certification.
  2. Questionable Impact of Certification:

    • Despite certification efforts by organizations like RSPO and POIG, some certified concessions have experienced comparable or greater levels of tree loss compared to non-certified sites. This challenges the notion that certification alone guarantees meaningful conservation outcomes.
  3. Industry Influence on Certification Bodies:

    • The involvement of industry representatives in organizations like RSPO and POIG raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Economic interests within the industry may compromise the ability of these organizations to act as impartial monitors of environmental and social concerns.
  4. Clearance in Degraded Sites:

    • The allowance for ongoing clearance in degraded sites, which may have lost their biodiversity value or carbon sink potential, highlights a limitation in sustainable palm oil practices. This suggests that the certification process may not effectively address certain environmental considerations.
  5. Flaws in Certification Process:

    • Strong evidence points to flaws in the certification process, with insufficient rigor in addressing the broad spectrum of environmental and social impacts associated with palm oil production. This raises significant doubts about the credibility and reliability of sustainable palm oil certification.

Addressing these challenges is pivotal for achieving genuine sustainability in the palm oil industry. A reassessment of certification processes, increased transparency, and the inclusion of diverse stakeholders may contribute to more effective and trustworthy sustainable practices within the industry. Consumer awareness and advocacy also play crucial roles in driving positive change.

So, what can consumers do to make a positive impact?

The first step is to educate ourselves about the issues surrounding palm oil production and its impact on the environment and local communities. By understanding the complexities of the palm oil industry, we can make informed choices and support companies that are truly committed to sustainability.It is also important to advocate for stronger regulations and standards for palm oil production. By putting pressure on governments and industry organizations, we can push for more transparency and accountability in the palm oil supply chain.Ultimately, the goal should be to move towards a more sustainable and responsible palm oil industry. This will require the collective efforts of consumers, companies, and governments. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a better future for our planet.



We are a small one person brand that intentionally chose to not have a marketing department in order to keep costs low. If you want to help us expand, increase production speed / delivery times, or release new products please consider trying our products giving us a shoutout on social media. Word of mouth is the only way people can discover #TheOrganicForYou. 💙